Nutrition Month

By Humber River Health

March is Nutrition Month in Canada. The annual education and information campaign is aimed at focusing Canadians on the importance of making informed food choices and developing sound eating habits. This year’s theme is a repeat of last year’s successful Unlock the Potential of Food. It is a theme that dietitians here at Humber River Health have been happy to embrace.

“When we talk about the potential of food, we are talking about its potential to fuel, to prevent, to heal, to discover, and to bring us together,” says Lori Wilkinson, a registered dietitian at the hospital. “As a dietitian, that is exactly what I believe can result from making smart, informed nutrition choices.”

Lori is one of 35 dietitians at Humber. Their job, simply put, is to make sure that patients are receiving the right types and amounts of foods based on their metabolic needs, past medical history, and the condition that they are being treated for in the hospital.

“When people are told about the importance of eating well, their first thought is often about weight loss,” says Lori. “But good nutrition is about more than that- it can lower your risk of developing chronic diseases, it can speed the healing process if you are sick or injured, and it can provide the energy that your body needs to fuel your day.”

During the course of the month, there will be various nutrition-related events at the hospital. Notably, there will be a Nutrition Month Booth in the Food Court on Tuesday March 19, where dietitians will be on hand to answer questions and provide information. Staff, patients and members of the public will be welcome. There is also a food drive all month long, with a bin located in the lobby, collecting non-perishable items for the North York Harvest Food Bank.