Accredited with Exemplary Standing

By Humber River Health

Humber River Health (Humber) is proud to have been Accredited with Exemplary Standing following the recent Accreditation Canada survey. Accreditation Canada is an independent, not-for-profit organization that sets standards for quality and safety in health care. In addition, Humber has also met all the Required Organization Practices (ROPs) and achieved a remarkable 99.9% of Accreditation Canada’s standards. 

Surveyors from Accreditation Canada evaluated the Hospital over a five-day period at the beginning of October. Humber has gone above and beyond the requirements of the Qmentum accreditation program. Staff, physicians and volunteers (SPVs) have demonstrated their unwavering commitment to integrating accreditation standards and ROPs into our operations for the betterment of the quality and safety of our programs and services.  

Humber’s journey to build a culture of quality and safety at our Wilson Hospital, Finch Campus and Church Campus continues, driven by excitement about the opportunities for growth and enhancement that lie ahead.