Dr. Barry Cayen

Dr. Barry Cayen
Dr. Barry Cayen is a certified orthopaedic surgeon with the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC). He began his education at Queen’s University where he completed his Honours Bachelor of Science (HBSc) degree in Life Sciences. He then completed a Master’s of Science Degree at the University of Toronto in Exercise Physiology. He subsequently earned his Medical Degree (MD) at the University of Toronto.
Dr. Cayen subsequently completed his Orthopaedic Surgery residency in Toronto. During his residency, he earned a two-year Scholarship in Surgery, during which time he earned a Master’s of Public Health at Harvard University and consolidated his administrative skills while working as Healthcare Consultant in a private consulting firm. He completed his residency in 2010 and became a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Canada (FRCSC).
Following his residency, Dr. Cayen completed a sub-specialty fellowship in Hip and Knee Reconstruction, Sports Surgery and Trauma.
Dr. Cayen is currently hip and knee surgeon at Humber River Health. His clinical focus is on Hip Replacements using the Anterior Approach, Robotic-assisted Knee Replacements and ACL reconstruction of the knee.
Surgeon’s Website: www.barrycayenmd.com
Hip and knee replacements
Anterior approach for hip replacements
Orthopaedic trauma and sports surgery
Arthroscopy of the knee for meniscus
ACL reconstruction