Postpartum Support Group Form

  • Toronto Public Health and Humber River Health are jointly providing this service and may share client information as needed.
  • A record is kept by each agency of the services provided.
  • This record is kept confidential and is securely stored.
  • The client can access their own record upon request.
  • A participant’s record may be accessed by respective program staff as needed, to provide service
  • A client’s information will not be shared with others without their knowledge and consent, except in specific situations as required by law (i.e. duty to report).
  • Non identifying information may be gathered for program planning and evaluation purposes.
By clicking this box, I have read the Terms & Conditions and agree to comply with the details outlined in the document. NOTE: A Humber River Health or Toronto Public Health representative will contact you via phone/e-mail within the next 7 business days. If you have any questions, please e-mail