Breast Cancer Awareness Month with Natasha Batchelor

By Chiara Marcello

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month- a month to shine a light on a cancer that affects 1 in 8 Canadian women in their lifetime. Humber River’s Breast Health Supervisor and Navigator, Natasha Batchelor, has worked in breast health for the past nine years. This month, she discusses the important role Humber River’s Breast Health Center plays in decreasing one’s risk of developing breast cancer.

What is the Breast Health Center?

The Breast Health Center is a very welcoming area dedicated to breast health. The technologists are all female, which may make it more comfortable for some people. The center provides services and procedures to help people monitor their breast health; these include screening mammograms, diagnostic mammograms, ultrasounds, and much more. We also conduct biopsies and have surgeons on site on specific days. We are a one-stop shop!

Can you elaborate on some of the services and procedures offered in the Breast Health Center?

Screening mammograms

One of the services we offer is a screening mammogram through the Ontario Breast Screening Program. Screening is available to people between the ages of 50-74, they can simply call us to book an appointment, without a Physician referral. That being said, this must be a true screening, meaning no signs, symptoms, or history of breast cancer and no breast implants. If someone does not fit these criteria, they would need a Physician referral for their mammogram.

Breast Biopsies

We perform breast biopsies in two different ways. One way is a stereotactic biopsy using the mammographic machine to target areas to retrieve samples. Biopsies can also be performed using ultrasound, to find and take a sample of the lesions. These biopsies are performed by a radiologist and assisted by a technologist.


If a patient has a symptom that is suspicious for malignancy, physicians can refer them directly to our Breast Health surgeons. When the patient comes in for their surgical appointment in our Breast Health Centre, they will receive all necessary imaging, which will be reviewed by both the radiologist and surgeon. If required, the patient will also have their biopsy on the same day.  This process makes our centre a one-stop shop for those patients in need of immediate breast care. Once all tests have been completed, the patient will book a follow up appointment with the surgeon to review their results.

Why is the Breast Health Center important to Humber River Health?

Women make up a large part of the population and we must ensure they remain healthy. The Breast Health Center at Humber River Health has high-quality machines. We provide mammography, which is considered the gold standard to detect breast cancer. These tools help us detect breast cancers months and even years before they can be felt, which helps us treat our patients and get them back to their everyday lives. We are also constantly in the background, facilitating quick processes that regularly monitor changing results to expedite the appropriate patient care. Above all, the clinic is a safe space where everyone works towards our patients best interests. It’s a full circle of care!

What is the significance of Breast Cancer Awareness Month?

To understand the significance of breast cancer awareness, let’s roll it back and look at the stats. 1 in 8 Canadian women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. Nonetheless, the survival rate of breast cancer is fairly high due to tools, such as those available in the Breast Health Center, that help us detect breast cancer early on. Raising awareness is even more important during these COVID times. Many people are scared to come into the hospital for tests or treatments due to the pandemic and believe they are fine if they don’t feel anything. Our goal is to catch things before you feel them. For a few months during the pandemic, the Breast Health Clinic was closed for check-up mammograms, which put many women off track of their regular appointments and screenings. We are reassuring women that our environment is safe and that tests should not be delayed to avoid being off track of regular screening. Raising awareness can simply include telling a friend, booking an appointment together, and making a day out of it. These tests may not always be what we want to do, but they are necessary to maintain proper breast health.

What are some tips given to women to maintain proper breast health and reduce the likelihood of developing breast cancer? 

  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle
  • Maintain a healthy diet by limiting alcohol
  • Stay active and maintain a healthy weight
  • Be aware of any changes in your breasts, including lumps, abnormal leaking or discharge, or abnormal inverted nipples
  • Keep up with bi-annual screening mammograms between ages 50-74
  • Speak to Physicians about family history and risk level of developing breast cancer as this may adjust how frequently mammograms are needed

Anything to add?

These may not be the most comfortable tests, but they are essential. It is a simple 15-minute test that could prolong, and potentially save your life. So remember to book your appointment and encourage friends to help us detect cancer early and lead to more successful outcomes.